July 16, 2024

Ellie Version 6.7 - Single Entity Refresh, AI Features Beta Access

Stan Dmitriev
Head of Prototype Team

Ellie 6.7 brings a visual refresh to the glossary entity view, technological improvements, and our AI functionalities (to be made available only on request).

Single Entity View

The updated “single entity” view aligns the UI with our overall user interface refresh that we started with this year. The view is now more spacious, and takes advantage of bigger screen space when available.

You can now easily edit the entity metadata by clicking into one of the fields instead of having to switch to edit mode. Click the save button and your changes will take effect.

We’ve also added an intuitive way to identify entity status — “Approved”, “In-Production” — next to the entity name.

On the right side, you’ll now find a “Creator” metadata field that will record the user who created the Entity.

The “Attributes” tab has gone through a refresh as well and now follows the same design as the grid that Physical Model entities use, bringing a consistent user experience.

AI Functionality Available

We introduced the AI functionality on our trial server a couple of months ago. It was to make conceptual data modeling easier and after some testing, we’re happy to make it available to our customers upon request.

We’re starting with our “Text-to-Model” and “AI Chatbot” functionalities, as these are the most mature of our AI developments so far.

While still in beta, customers can benefit from being able to provide users who are not data modelers an easy path to creating one.

With Text-to-Model you can upload a text document (pdf, txt, docx) or write a user story to create data models.

The AI Chatbot enables you to have a conversation, provide business-specific context, and let our chatbot build the model together with you.

You can read more about this functionality in our earlier blog post.

How to Get Access?

Please email us at support@ellie.ai and we’ll be happy to enable it for your organization. Please note our Terms of Service for these beta features, which you can find here.

We’re Here to Help

We’re here to listen and get feedback any time there’s a release that could change our customers' workflows.

Please contact us at support@ellie.ai if you have feedback about the new Single Entity View or questions about the AI functionality.

Additionally, there’s a new “Feedback” button at the bottom left of your Ellie environment that you can use to send us a message.