October 2, 2024

Ellie Version 6.11 - ‘Autodraw’, Automatic Model Versioning & Restoring Model Versions

Jari Jaanto

Ellie was always intended to be an easy tool to use — faster and more accessible without having to give up on technical capabilities.

Adding to this is “autodraw”. You can now create a model without having to organize it in any way. Just ensure the ER diagram is what you'd want and hit the autodraw button. Boom. You now have a well-ordered structure that’s easy to read and understand.

But we get it, not everyone might like the end result.

No worries, because you can press the undo button.

Or better, you can now restore the model to the earlier version from your version history. Ellie automatically snapshots the version before the autodraw feature redraws your model.

It’s not intended just for this purpose. You can manually create a version any time you want and you can restore that version at any point.

In addition, you can use a saved version of a model to create a new model altogether. So you can keep the updated version of a model as well as have an earlier version as a separate model.

Last, did you forget to create a snapshot of a model? Ellie also automatically creates a snapshot version every 15 minutes of active work. So it doesn’t create a number of versions if you’re only having a look at the model.

You can filter out automated snapshots when looking for a specific version you had manually saved.